
  • Each workspace contains its own single root node
  • Each non-leaf node is called a “Container”
  • Each container can contain arbitrary number of children nodes
  • Windows are the only possible leaf nodes. Windows contain zero children nodes
  • Every container has two properties:
    1. Layout (Possible values: tiles, accordion)
    2. Orientation (Possible values: horizontal, vertical)

Some examples:



In total, AeroSpace provides 4 possible layouts:

  • h_tiles horizontal tiles (in i3, it’s called “horizontal split”)
  • v_tiles vertical tiles (in i3, it’s called “vertical split”)
  • h_accordion horizontal accordion (analog of i3’s “tabbed layout”)
  • v_accordion vertical accordion (analog of i3’s “stacked layout”)

Accordion is a layout where windows are placed on top of each other.

  • The horizontal accordion shows left and right paddings to visually indicate the presence of other windows in those directions.


  • The vertical accordion shows top and bottom paddings to visually indicate the presence of other windows in those directions.



By default, AeroSpace does two types of tree normalizations:

  1. Containers that have only one child are “flattened”. The root container is an exception, it is allowed to have a single window child. Configured by enable-normalization-flatten-containers

Example 1

According to the first normalization, such layout isn’t possible:

h_tiles (root node)
└── v_tiles
    └── window 1

it will be immediately transformed into

v_tiles (new root node)
└── window 1