The shell

How does the shell know how to find the date or echo programs?

The shell is a programming environment, just like Python, and so it has variables, conditionals, loops, and functions.

If the shell is asked to execute a command that doesn’t match one of its programming keywords, it consults an environment variable called $PATH that lists which directories the shell should search for programs when it is given a command


Permissions for directories:

  • Read: Allows the user to list the contents of the directory.
  • Write: Allows the user to add, remove, or rename files and subdirectories within the directory.
  • Execute: Allows the user to enter (cd) the directory and access files and subdirectories within, even if they cannot list the directory’s contents.

Modifying Permissions:

chmod [who][operator][permissions] filename
  • who: u (user/owner), g (group), o (others), a (all)
  • operator: + (add), - (remove), = (set exactly)
  • permissions: r, w, x


Add execute permission for the owner:

chmod u+x

Remove write permission for others:

chmod o-w report.txt

Connecting Programs

In the shell, programs have two primary “streams” associated with them: their input stream and their output stream.

The simplest form of redirection is < file and > file. These let you rewire the input and output streams of a program to a file respectively:

echo hello > hello.txt

cat < hello.txt > hello2.txt

When cat is not given any arguments, it prints contents from its input stream to its output stream (like in the second example above). You can also use >> to append to a file.

The | operator lets you “chain” programs such that the output of one is the input of another:

ls -l / | tail -n1

curl --head --silent | grep --ignore-case content-length | cut --delimiter=' ' -f2



  • Double-quoted strings can expand:
    • Variable Expansion: Integrating dynamic values into strings.
    • Command Substitution: Embedding the output of commands within strings.
    • Escape Sequences: Including special characters like newlines and tabs.
  • Single-quoted strings are just literal strings.


  • Single-quoted string: When you need a literal string without any expansions.
  • Double-quoted string: When you need to include variables or commands within a string.


When a script file is given Execute permission, then it can be invoked by ./script.

sh script does not need the Execute permission, it needs Read permission.