The shell
How does the shell know how to find the date
or echo
The shell is a programming environment, just like Python, and so it has variables, conditionals, loops, and functions.
If the shell is asked to execute a command that doesn’t match one of its programming keywords,
it consults an environment variable called $PATH
that lists which directories
the shell should search for programs when it is given a command
Permissions for directories:
- Read: Allows the user to list the contents of the directory.
- Write: Allows the user to add, remove, or rename files and subdirectories within the directory.
- Execute: Allows the user to enter (cd) the directory and access files and subdirectories within, even if they cannot list the directory’s contents.
Modifying Permissions:
chmod [who][operator][permissions] filename
: u (user/owner), g (group), o (others), a (all)operator
: + (add), - (remove), = (set exactly)permissions
: r, w, x
Add execute permission for the owner:
chmod u+x
Remove write permission for others:
chmod o-w report.txt
Connecting Programs
In the shell, programs have two primary “streams” associated with them: their input stream and their output stream.
The simplest form of redirection is < file and > file. These let you rewire the input and output streams of a program to a file respectively:
echo hello > hello.txt
cat < hello.txt > hello2.txt
When cat is not given any arguments, it prints contents from its input stream to its output stream (like in the second example above). You can also use
to append to a file.
The |
operator lets you “chain” programs such that the output of one is the input of another:
ls -l / | tail -n1
curl --head --silent | grep --ignore-case content-length | cut --delimiter=' ' -f2
- Double-quoted strings can expand:
- Variable Expansion: Integrating dynamic values into strings.
- Command Substitution: Embedding the output of commands within strings.
- Escape Sequences: Including special characters like newlines and tabs.
- Single-quoted strings are just literal strings.
- Single-quoted string: When you need a literal string without any expansions.
- Double-quoted string: When you need to include variables or commands within a string.
When a script file is given Execute
permission, then it can be invoked by ./script
sh script
does not need the Execute
permission, it needs Read