Job Control

Signals can do other things beyond killing a process. For instance, SIGSTOP pauses a process. In the terminal, typing Ctrl-Z will prompt the shell to send a SIGTSTP signal, short for Terminal Stop.

We can then continue the paused job in the foreground or in the background using fg or bg.

One more thing to know is that the & suffix in a command will run the command in the background, giving you the prompt back.

sleep 60 &   
sleep 30 &

# wait will take 60s

Terminal Multiplexers

tmux has the following hierarchy of objects:

  • Sessions - a session is an independent workspace with one or more windows

    • tmux starts a new session.
    • tmux new -s NAME starts it with that name.
    • tmux ls lists the current sessions
    • tmux kill-session to kill a session
    • Within tmux typing <C-A> d detaches the current session
    • tmux a attaches the last session. You can use -t flag to specify which
  • Windows - Equivalent to tabs in editors or browsers, they are visually separate parts of the same session

    • <C-A> c Creates a new window. To close it you can just terminate the shells doing <C-d>

    • <C-A> N Go to the N th window.

    • <C-A> , Rename the current window

    • <C-A> w List current windows

  • Panes - Like vim splits, panes let you have multiple shells in the same visual display.

    • <C-A> " Split the current pane horizontally
    • <C-A> % Split the current pane vertically
    • <C-A> <direction> Move to the pane in the specified direction. Direction here means arrow keys.
    • <C-A> [ Start scrollback. You can then press <space> to start a selection and <enter> to copy that selection.

Remote Machines

To ssh into a server you execute a command as follows

An often overlooked feature of ssh is the ability to run commands directly. ssh foobar@server ls will execute ls in the home folder of foobar.

# ls run remotely and grep run locally
ssh foobar@server ls | grep PATTERN
# both run on the remote server
ssh foobar@server 'ls | grep PATTERN'

SSH Keys

Key-based authentication using public-key cryptography is a method where a client can prove its identity to a server without sending the secret (private key) over the network.

How It Works:

  1. Public and Private Keys: The client generates a pair of cryptographic keys:
    • A private key that is kept secret on the client machine.
    • A public key that is shared with the server.
  2. Server Setup: The server stores the client’s public key in a file, typically ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, which allows the server to recognize that client.
  3. Authentication Process:
    • When the client attempts to connect to the server (e.g., via SSH), the server generates a challenge (a random piece of data).
    • The client uses its private key to sign the challenge, creating a digital signature.
    • The server uses the client’s public key (which it already has) to verify that the signature is valid.
    • If the verification succeeds, it proves that the client has the corresponding private key without the client ever sending the private key itself.

ssh will look into .ssh/authorized_keys to determine which clients it should let in. To copy a public key over you can use:

cat .ssh/ | ssh foobar@remote 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
# a simple solution
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_ed25519 foobar@remote

SSH Alias Configuration

How can i change ssh [email protected] to sth like ssh s2-root or ssh root@s2

vim ~/.ssh/config

Add the following configuration for your server:

Host s2-root
    User root	

Copying files over SSH

  • scp when copying large amounts of files/directories, the secure copy scp command is more convenient since it can easily recurse over paths. The syntax is scp path/to/local_file remote_host:path/to/remote_file
# Copy a Directory from Local to Remote
scp -r /path/to/local/directory username@remote_host:/path/to/remote/directory/
  • rsync improves upon scp by detecting identical files in local and remote, and preventing copying them again. It also provides more fine grained control over symlinks, permissions

Port Forwarding

The most common scenario is local port forwarding, where a service in the remote machine listens in a port and you want to link a port in your local machine to forward to the remote port. For example, if we execute jupyter notebook in the remote server that listens to the port 8888. Thus, to forward that to the local port 9999, we would do ssh -L 9999:localhost:8888 foobar@remote_server and then navigate to localhost:9999 in our local machine.