



这篇论文的直觉来源于 SMT solver 以及计算能力的进步,认为其足以自动化的验证可串行化的问题,于是他们基于 SMT solver 提出 Cobra 框架,Cobra 包含一系列技术,做到了高效可扩展的验证可串行化,实验表明 Cobra 能验证实际场景下数据库的可串行化。


Each client request is one of five operations: start, commit, abort (which refer to transactions), and read and write (which refer to keys).

History collectors sit between clients and the database, capturing the requests that clients issue and the (possibly wrong) results delivered by the database.

A verifier retrieves history fragments from collectors and attempts to verify whether the history is serializable.

The verifier proceeds in rounds; each round consists of a witness search, the input to which is logically the output of the previous round and new history fragments.

Graph and the Problem

A history imposes dependencies:

  • read-dependency
  • write-dependency
  • anti-dependency

A serialization graph (of a history and a given version order) is a graph whose vertices are all transactions in the history and edges are all dependencies described above.

A history H is serializable iff there exists a version order such that the serialization graph arising from H and that version order is acyclic.


In a polygraph, vertices (V) are transactions and edges (E) are read-dependencies. Note that read-dependencies are evident from the history because values are unique. There is a set, C, which we call constraints, that captures possible (but unknown) dependencies.

The constrain is shown as two dashed arrows connected by an arc. This constraint captures the fact that $T_2$ cannot happen in between $T_1$ and $T_3$.

A directed graph is called compatible with a polygraph if the graph has the same nodes and known edges in the polygraph, and the graph chooses one edge out of each constraint.

A crucial fact is:

  • There exists an acyclic directed graph that is compatible with the polygraph associated to a history H, iff there exists an acyclic serialization graph G of H.
  • If there is such an acyclic serialization graph for H, then H is serializable.

Putting these facts together yields a brute-force approach for verifying serializability: first, construct a polygraph from a history; second, search for a compatible graph that is acyclic.

Improvements made by COBRA

我们可以将这个问题编码成 SMT solver 可以自动求解的约束,假如采用暴力求解的方式,搜索空间将是指数级 $2^{|C|}$,其中|C|代表约束的个数,对于大型的历史,SMT solver 无法在有限时间内解决这个问题。

Cobra 提出了一系列技术来简化 Polygraph 中的约束:

  • 合并写
  • 约束合并
  • 剪枝

这里以合并写为例进行介绍,合并写技术基于一个事务中先读某个键再写这个键(read-modify-write)这种特别的形式,如图所示的情况下,其中所有的读写都针对同一个键,左边代表原本约束的个数有 4 个,通过合并写技术可以将约束的个数减少为右边所示一个。

除了约束的简化,为了支持对不断增长的历史的验证,Cobra 对历史进行一轮一轮的验证,为了控制历史的有界性,需要在每一轮后对验证过的历史进行删除。测试表明 Cobra 能够检测出已经发现的可串行化问题,并且带来的 overhead 可以忽略不计。


  • There is no guarantee that cobra terminates in reasonable time.
  • Cobra supports only a key-value API, and thus does not handle range queries and SQL operations such as “join” and “sum”.
  • Cobra does not yet support async (event-driven) I/O patterns in clients.
  • Cobra mostly punts fault-tolerance of the verifier and collectors
